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- Project FilesNew track130 BpmD# minFL Studio20.8 or higherEnergetic, Misterious, SuspensePc / MacCastion531.7 Mb zipped㊉ Fabfilter Bundle ㊉ Decapitator ㊉ Kickstart ㊉ Invisible Limiter ㊉ Little Alter Boy ㊉ Valhalla Room ㊉ Auto-Tune Evo ㊉ SPL Transient Designer ㊉ Izotope Ozone 8㊉ Serum ㊉ Sylenth1≡ Can't Stop This Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Presets (Sylenth / Serum) ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐEnergeticMysticalToolroomDefectedExclusiveProject FileIntermediateAdvanced
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- Project Files124 BpmD minLogic Pro X10 or higherVictor TellagioEnergetic, Misterious, SadMac only386.3 Mb zipped㊉ Fabfilter Bundle ㊉ Waves Puigtec Eq ㊉ Waves Sslchannel ㊉ Waves Rcompressor ㊉ Waves Maserati G ㊉ Dada Life Endless Smile ㊉ OTT (free) ㊉ Valhallaroom ㊉ Kickstart㊉ Serum≡ Control Me Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐMysteriousMelancholicProtocolRevealedAdvanced DrumSynth TexturesBeginnerPro
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- Project Files126 BpmDmAbletonLive 11 or higherSingle SparkDreamy, Energetic, MisteriousPc / Mac495.1 Mb zipped㊉ Fabfilter Bundle ㊉ Camelcrusher ㊉ OTT (free) ㊉ The Glue ㊉ Cla Bass ㊉ Soothe2 ㊉ Bx_Paneq ㊉ Bx_Meter ㊉ Bx_Console ㊉ Focusrite ㊉ Bx_Console Ssl 4000 E ㊉ Maag Eq4 ㊉ Voveltech Character ㊉ Spl Vitalizer Mk2-T ㊉ Trackspacer ㊉ Kickstart ㊉ Lfo Tool ㊉ Transient Master ㊉ Basslane ㊉ Msed ㊉ Sausage Fattener ㊉ Endless Smile ㊉ Little Alterboy ㊉ Khs Stereo ㊉ Khs Chorus ㊉ Snap Heap ㊉ Valhallaroom ㊉ Valhalla Vintageverb ㊉ Ozone Elements㊉ Serum ㊉ Massive ㊉ Sylenth1 ㊉ Piano V2 Arturia ㊉ M1 Korg ㊉ Jup-8 V3≡ Don't Go Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files126 BpmDmLogic Pro X10 or higherPromise LandEnergetic, Euphoric, SuspenseMac only310.0 Mb zipped㊉ Valhalla Vintage Verb ㊉ L2 Waves ㊉ Kickstart 2 ㊉ H-Delay Waves ㊉ Oxford Limiter ㊉ Ozone 10 Maximizer ㊉ L3 Multimaximizer ㊉ Soundshifter Pitch㊉ Serum ㊉ Nexus 4 ㊉ Battery 4≡ Drummer Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Midi ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files132 BpmD# majFL Studio21 or higherMaski & BangaEnergetic, Epic, MisteriousPc / Mac690.8 Mb zipped㊉ OTT ㊉ CamelCrusher ㊉ Ozone Imager 2 ㊉ Endless Smile ㊉ Kickstart ㊉ Dimension Expander ㊉ Gtune㊉ Serum ㊉ Spire≡ Emergency Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Midi ≡ Presets (Spire / Serum) ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files126 BpmA# minAbletonLive 11 or higherRoy OrionEnergetic, Misterious, SuspensePc / Mac914.5 Mb zipped㊉ Fabfilter Pro-Q3 ㊉ Cytomatics Glue ㊉ UAD bundle ㊉ Soothe㊉ Serum ㊉ Nexus≡ Fallin For You Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files125 BpmF minFL Studio21.2 or higherHunterSynthEnergetic, Euphoric, HappyPc / Mac271.7 Mb zipped㊉ Dada Life Endless Smile ㊉ Waves Renaissance Bass ㊉ Waves H-Delay ㊉ Waves Rvox ㊉ Waves Vitamin ㊉ Cytomic The Glue ㊉ Kickstart 2 ㊉ Dada Life Sausage Fattener ㊉ Valhalla Dsp ㊉ Valhallaroom ㊉ Soundtoys Little Alterboy ㊉ Valhallashimmer ㊉ Xfer Djmfilter ㊉ A.O.M. Invisible Limiter㊉ Serum≡ Feel Your Body Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project FilesNew track125 BpmC# minFL Studio20.8 or higherPesstoEnergetic, Euphoric, HappyPc / Mac163.00 Mb zipped㊉ Fabfilter Bundle ㊉ Ozone Imager 2 ㊉ Camelcrusher ㊉ Waves ㊉ Invisible Limiter ㊉ Standard Clip㊉ Serum ㊉ Sylenth ㊉ Massive≡ Focus Full Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐEnergeticClubHexagonFHMFull MasteredExclusiveProAdvanced
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- Project Files145 BpmEb minFL Studio21 or higherMaski & BangaEnergetic, Epic, MisteriousPc / Mac574.5 Mb zipped㊉ OTT (free) ㊉ CamelCrusher ㊉ Ozone Imager 2 ㊉ Endless Smile ㊉ Kickstart ㊉ Dimension Expander ㊉ Gtune㊉ Serum ㊉ Spire≡ Hit The Club Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Midi ≡ Presets (Spire / Serum) ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files126 BpmFMAbletonLive 11 or higherAntoine DelvigPc / MacDreamy, Energetic, Epic360.2 Mb zipped㊉ Fabfilter Bundle ㊉ Waves S1 Imager ㊉ Mv2 ㊉ Waves Soundshifter Pitch ㊉ Uad bundle㊉ Bx_Meter ㊉ Vumtdeluxe ㊉ Tonal Balance Control 2 ㊉ The God Particle ㊉ Ssl Native Bus Compressor 2 ㊉ Soothe ㊉ Khs Dynamic ㊉ Spl Transient Designer Plus ㊉ Standardclip ㊉ Ds-10 Drum Shaper ㊉ Kickstart 2 ㊉ Eiosis Aireq ㊉ Camelcrusher (free)㊉ Serum ㊉ Nexus 4 ㊉ Ravegenerator 2≡ Identity Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Midi ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files172 BpmE minFL Studio21.0.3 or higherCurious MindEnergetic, Happy, SuspensePc / Mac201.2 Mb zipped㊉ Dada Life Endless Smile ㊉ FabFilter Bundle ㊉ KickStart 2 ㊉ Gclip㊉ Khs Frequency Shifter ㊉ MetaTune ㊉ Little Alterboy ㊉ EchoBoyJr ㊉ Magic Switch ㊉ OTT (free) ㊉ LFOTool ㊉ RC-20 Retro Color ㊉ Soothe2 ㊉ CORALBAXTER ㊉ Izotope Neutron 2 Exciter ㊉ FreeClip㊉ Vital (Flex)≡ Lift Me Up Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Midi ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files124 BpmAb minAbletonLive 11 or higherDocheEnergetic, Euphoric, HappyPc / Mac308.8 Mb zipped㊉ Fabfilter Saturn ㊉ Kickstart ㊉ Cla-Vocals ㊉ Tonal Balance Control㊉ Serum≡ Listen Up Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- SamplesEnergetic, Misterious, Suspense704 Mb300+ samples, midi, presets ㊉ Atmospheres & Textures ㊉ Bass Loops ㊉ Clap & Snare Loops ㊉ Fx ㊉ Hat Loops ㊉ Kick Loops ㊉ MIDI ㊉ One Shots [Claps, Hats, Kicks, Percussion, Rides, Snares, Toms] ㊉ Pad Loops ㊉ Percussion Loops ㊉ Vst Presets [Sylenth, Serum] ㊉ Sub Bass Loops ㊉ Synth Loops ㊉ Top Loopsⓑ 100% Royalty-Free SYNTH LOOP 11 - F#m - 125 BPMPV SYNTH LOOP 8 - F#m - 125 BPMPV PERCUSSION LOOP 19 - 125 BPMPV PERCUSSION LOOP 16 - 125 BPMAlterate≡ All DAW compatibility ≡ Pc and Mac ≡ 24-bit WAV audio ≡ 100% Royalty FreePV BASS LOOP 18 - D#m -125 BPM BASS LOOP 16 - Am - 125 BPMMelancholicDarkUndergroundHypnotic120-128Analog BasslineDark FXAtmos PadAnalog SynthStephan BodzinTale Of UsARTBAT
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- SamplesFree DownloadEnergetic, Misterious, Suspense620 Mb450+ samples, midi, presets ㊉ 127 Drum Loops ㊉ 118 Drum Shots ㊉ 50 Fx ㊉ 90 Synths + MIDI ㊉ 40 Vocals ㊉ 50 Presets (Serum, Diva)ⓑ 100% Royalty-Free PV CLAP LOOP 125 BPM T001 PV PERC LOOP G 125 BPM003 PV BASS LEAD LOOP 125 BPM G003 PV CLAP LONG FILL 124 BPMStudios≡ All DAW compatibility ≡ Pc and Mac ≡ 24-bit WAV audio ≡ 100% Royalty Free009 PV VOCAL GET IT NOW 125 BPM PV VOCAL MORE FELT THAN HEARDPunchyDancefloorEnergeticClub126-130Hard BasslineBright SynthPerc HitsHard LoopsNicky RomeroTiestoMike Williams
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- Project Files126 BpmF# minFL Studio21.1 or higherBoothedEnergetic, Epic, EuphoricPc / Mac339,9 Mb unzipped㊉ FabFilter Pro-Q ㊉ iZotope Trash 2 ㊉ OTT (free) ㊉ Glitch 2 ㊉ ValhallaRoom ㊉ LFOTool ㊉ FabFilter Saturn ㊉ H-Comp Stereo ㊉ VolumeShaper4 ㊉ Transient Master㊉ Nexus ㊉ Sylenth1 ㊉ VPS Avenger ㊉ Serum ㊉ Kontakt 5≡ Run Off Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files125 BpmG minAbletonLive 11 or higherDocheEnergetic, Euphoric, HappyPc / Mac1.27 Gb zipped㊉ Waves Cla-Vocals ㊉ Waves Cla-Unplugged ㊉ Waves Cla-Bass Stereo ㊉ Waves Jjp-Bass ㊉ Replika Xt ㊉ Kickstart ㊉ Izotope Neutron Transient Shaper ㊉ Waves H-DelayOnly stock instruments≡ Take My Heart Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐFunkyEnergeticAnjunabeatsArmada MusicFunky SynthOrganic DrumBeginnerPro
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- SamplesFree DownloadEnergetic, Euphoric, Happy590 Mb300+ samples, midi, presets ㊉ 20 Atmospheres and Pads ㊉ 20 Bass Loops ㊉ 10 Chord Loops ㊉ 15 Clap Loops ㊉ 10 Cymbal Loops ㊉ 10 Fills ㊉ 45 Fx ㊉ 25 Kick Loops ㊉ 80 One Shots ㊉ 20 Percussion Loops ㊉ 20 Synth Loops ㊉ 25 Top Loops ㊉ 7 PRESETS (Serum, Sylenth) ㊉ 7 MIDIⓑ 100% Royalty Free SYNTH LOOP 10 - A - 128 BPMPV SYNTH LOOP 2 - Cm - 128 BPMPV PERCUSSION LOOP 3 - 128 BPMPV BASS LOOP 10 - D#m - 128 BPMRunnic≡ All DAW compatibility ≡ Pc and Mac ≡ 24-bit WAV audio ≡ 100% Royalty FreePV BASS LOOP 4 - Am - 128 BPM ATMOSPHERE 13 - G - 128 BPMEnergeticPercussiveTribalHypnotic124-128Punchy KickGroovy BasslineOrganicPerc LoopFisherNic FanciulliMichael Bibi
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- SamplesEnergetic, Epic, Misterious901 Mb550+ Samples & MIDI ㊉ 40 Bass Loops ㊉ 40 Bass Loops MIDI ㊉ 20 Bass One Shots ㊉ 30 Synth Loops ㊉ 30 Synth Loops MIDI ㊉ 20 Synth One Shots ㊉ 2x Construction Kits ㊉ 25 Drum Fills ㊉ 180 Drum One-Shots ㊉ 30 Fx ㊉ 20 Vocalsⓑ 100% Royalty Free Vibes - Full 12 125bpmProjecta Vibes - Full 16 126bpmProjecta Vibes - Synth Loop 06 124bpm DminProjecta Vibes - Synth Loop 19 126bpm DminRed VibesAll DAW compatibility Pc and Mac 24-bit WAV audio 100% Royalty FreeProjecta Vibes - Vocal Loop 16 125bpm Vibes - Vocal Loop 19 125bpmClub-DrivenEnergeticVibrantHigh-Energy122-128Intense BasslineDynamic FxVocal ChopsMulti-GenreNicky RomeroTiestoDon Diablo