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- Project FilesNew track125 BpmC# minFL Studio20.8 or higherPesstoEnergetic, Euphoric, HappyPc / Mac163.00 Mb zipped㊉ Fabfilter Bundle ㊉ Ozone Imager 2 ㊉ Camelcrusher ㊉ Waves ㊉ Invisible Limiter ㊉ Standard Clip㊉ Serum ㊉ Sylenth ㊉ Massive≡ Focus Full Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐEnergeticClubHexagonFHMFull MasteredExclusiveProAdvanced
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- Project Files128 BpmDbAbletonLive 11 or higherSingle SparkHappy, Relaxing, SentimentalPc / Mac542.9 Mb zipped㊉ Fabfilter Bundle ㊉ Transient Master ㊉ The Glue ㊉ Kickstart ㊉ Kickstart 2 ㊉ Lfo Tool ㊉ Khs Limiter ㊉ Khs Chorus ㊉ Little Alterboy ㊉ Valhalla Room ㊉ Valhalla Supermassive ㊉ Valhalla Vintageverb ㊉ Serum Fx ㊉ Soothe2 ㊉ Bx_Limiter ㊉ Ozone Imager 2㊉ Serum ㊉ Kontakt 5≡ Let Me Go Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files172 BpmE minFL Studio21.0.3 or higherCurious MindEnergetic, Happy, SuspensePc / Mac201.2 Mb zipped㊉ Dada Life Endless Smile ㊉ FabFilter Bundle ㊉ KickStart 2 ㊉ Gclip㊉ Khs Frequency Shifter ㊉ MetaTune ㊉ Little Alterboy ㊉ EchoBoyJr ㊉ Magic Switch ㊉ OTT (free) ㊉ LFOTool ㊉ RC-20 Retro Color ㊉ Soothe2 ㊉ CORALBAXTER ㊉ Izotope Neutron 2 Exciter ㊉ FreeClip㊉ Vital (Flex)≡ Lift Me Up Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Stems ≡ Midi ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files124 BpmAb minAbletonLive 11 or higherDocheEnergetic, Euphoric, HappyPc / Mac308.8 Mb zipped㊉ Fabfilter Saturn ㊉ Kickstart ㊉ Cla-Vocals ㊉ Tonal Balance Control㊉ Serum≡ Listen Up Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐ
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- Project Files125 BpmG minAbletonLive 11 or higherDocheEnergetic, Euphoric, HappyPc / Mac1.27 Gb zipped㊉ Waves Cla-Vocals ㊉ Waves Cla-Unplugged ㊉ Waves Cla-Bass Stereo ㊉ Waves Jjp-Bass ㊉ Replika Xt ㊉ Kickstart ㊉ Izotope Neutron Transient Shaper ㊉ Waves H-DelayOnly stock instruments≡ Take My Heart Project file ≡ Master (.wav / mp3) ≡ Readme ≡ Faq / Troubleshooting ≡ License agreementⓐFunkyEnergeticAnjunabeatsArmada MusicFunky SynthOrganic DrumBeginnerPro
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